Inkerinsuomalaisten opintotiedekeskus was founded in 2000 and established by Finns living in Russia. We work in two main directions: education and tourism.
We create and provide:
- Seminars, courses and conferences for educators, from regional to an international level.
- Children’s language camps at Finland, Russia, England and Belarus.
- Day trips and multi-day trips: Russia, Belarus, Scandinavia, Baltic States, Europe, Cruises.
- We implement various projects and grants, as well as help with visa processing.
- Our work has been appreciated not only by clients who regularly send us their gratitude, but also by various organisations both in Russia and abroad.
- Already in 2002, the action of our club, under the leadership of Irina Ostonen, was evaluated with diplomas in Russia, Finland and Sweden. Subsequently, every year our organization and team received gratitude and evaluation of work from various organisations and our partners.
Aurinko camp
Aurinko is one of the main projects of the «Ingermanland educational and scientific center». It is an international language camp, which was founded in 2000. Aurinko is not just a language camp with a rich history, a thoughtful and exciting language and extensive entertainment program, but a project is managed in frames of the near-border cooperation program, supported by Finnish and Russian governments, aimed at strengthening the popularisation of Finnish and international English languages.
Aurinko camp`s mission:
Creating a positive environment that encourages you to discover yourself by virtue of travelling, personal development, learning languages and cultures in different countries. We believe in unconditional acceptance of yourself and the world around.
Our camp locations are at Punkaharju, Finland and at Salisbury, England!
Aurinko camp has:
Professional and captivating language lessons
English or Finnish lessons take place 4 academic hours a day/5 days a week. After- handicraft (in Finnish or English) 2 academic hours per day/5 days per week. Our English teachers are certified and come from the UK, USA and Canada. We have longtime cooperation and work with a permanent team. All our teachers have gained kids` love and are very popular among children. Kids are divided into groups depending on the level of language proficiency for studying. The lessons are held in an interactive format using the latest methodological techniques and individual approach to the child. With young children lessons hold in the form of a game. Friendly atmosphere in the classroom, interesting and informative educational materials, dynamic training in nature-all of these help to overcome the psychological barrier and indecision in the use of a foreign language. The acquired knowledge is fixed in practice - during the workshops, excursions and other events, all of camp staff are fluent in English/Finnish. We teach competent and beautiful language, not only to expand vocabulary, but also to hear, understand and love the language you are learning.
A real language environment
We are proud of the real language environment at our camp, which helps children of all ages to overcome the language barrier and get pleasure and joy from communication in a foreign language. Not only are children surrounded by real professionals and native speakers - teachers, staff, teamers at our camp, but children and students from other European countries and USA as well.
Round-the-clock support of the group, the concept of "the child is left to himself" is absent
For each age group of children, depending on the season and the theme of the session, we develop a rich educational and extensive entertainment program. They include educational interactive excursions/quests, adventure trips, workshops, sport and board games, shows, concerts and competitions, swimming, sauna, dancing and much more! Every child is involved in the process.
Friendly atmosphere for kids of any age
Thanks to the nature, cozy atmosphere, comfortable European living conditions and our beloved team, the camp has a friendly and warm atmosphere. Not only can every child enjoy, meet new friends and learn a new culture, but also successfully study, immerse themselves in the language environment and overcome the language barrier.
A rich infrastructure and accommodation
Landscaped areas of the camps have a full infrastructure. We provide comfortable 2-3 bed accommodation in cosy and spacious rooms with shower and toilet in the room at all locations. There are refrigerators and the ability to use the kitchen as well. We have all essential amenities for education and creativity. At the territory of the Finnish camp there is a coastal area: a bath complex with a sauna and a living room for BBQ, a beach and a pier for swimming and water activities with a physical culture and sports instructor. All camps are located in a unique, ecologically clean place, which are famous for its amazingly beautiful nature. There are many attractions and
Healthy and nutrition food
We offer 5-times meal a day in Finland and 4-times meal a day in Czech Republic and England. Menu includes fish, meat, soups, a lot of fruit and vegetables, yogurts, musli, cereals, milk, juce, tea, coffee, deserts. Additionally we offer vegetarian menu, lactose free and gluten free food and organise BBQ at the fireplace in evenings. On special occasions (Birthdays, etc.) our chef makes a huge cake of fresh fruits and berries.
Daily schedule at Aurinko Camp
Dates and prices
Coming soon
Please find out information about excursion programs at Finnish, English below:
Excursion program at Finnish location:
- Old town in Savonlinna city and old Swedish forttress Olavinlinna
- Boat trip crossing the biggest and most beautiful lake in Finland — Saimaa
- Visiting SPA and swimming-pool
- Discovering beautiful nature of Finland
- Finnish forest museum “Lusto”
- Sculpture park at a town Parikkala
- Farm “Hepokatti”
- Art-house of Finnish painter Johanna Oras
Additional excursions:
- Entertainment park “Tykkimäki”
- Aqua park “Kesämaa”
- Adventure park “Lekotti”
Excursion program at England:
- London city tour
- Sightseeing tour of Oxford
- Sightseeing tour of Bath
- Trip to Stonehenge
- Trip to Avebury
- Trip to Bournemouth/Winchester